Chubu University, known as Chubu, is a private university located in the city of Kasugai, Aichi, Japan. Established in 1938, the institution has a long-standing reputation for its academic excellence. Chubu offers a wide range of courses and has a student population of approximately 10,000 students. The university is renowned for its research facilities and quality of teaching.
Chubu University was established in 1938 as a pioneering engineering school in Japan. With a student body of 10,000, Chubu offers a comprehensive range of study areas including engineering, humanities, natural sciences, and management. The university is internationally recognized for its strong research capabilities and innovative educational programs. It has a state-of-the-art campus that offers an exceptional learning environment with advanced facilities for research, teaching, and social activities. The university is committed to creating a culturally diverse and inclusive academic community, with a strong focus on international collaboration in research and education. Chubu University continually strives for excellence in its educational provision and is committed to fostering the intellectual, physical, and social development of its students, promoting an inclusive environment for academic growth and personal development. Chubu is renowned for its unique blend of traditional and innovative approaches to teaching and research, propelling the university to a leading role in the higher education sector in Japan.
Discover where Chubu University ranks nationally and internationally, reflecting its academic and research excellence.
Contact Information
Find all essential contact details for admissions and support at Chubu University Website: