Kyushu University, also known as Kyūdai, is a prestigious university located in Fukuoka, Japan. Established in 1911, it is one of Japan's National Seven Universities. The university is known for its innovative research and commitment to academic excellence, offering a wide range of programs for its diverse student body.
Kyushu University is one of the largest and most respected universities in Japan. The university holds a wide array of undergraduate programs and graduate schools including faculties of Law, Economics, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Science, and more. The institution is very active in research across all academic disciplines, with more than 30 research centers including the Research Centre for Sustainable Energy and Technology. From theoretical physics to linguistics, there are countless collaborative projects between faculties. The university continues to revolutionize its fields and aims to contribute to global society.
Discover where Kyushu University ranks nationally and internationally, reflecting its academic and research excellence.
Contact Information
Find all essential contact details for admissions and support at Kyushu University Website: