Rakuno Gakuen University (RGU), established in 1933, resides in the city of Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan. This private university has become an essential pillar in the field of agriculture and veterinary studies. With almost 4,000 students enrolled, it offers an enriching educational environment.
Rakuno Gakuen University (RGU), established in 1933, is a private university located in Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan. RGU was initially founded as a junior college, offering courses focused on farming and veterinary studies. Over the years, it transitioned into a full-fledged university, with several faculties and departments catering to a variety of academic interests. These include the faculty of agriculture, faculty of veterinary medicine, faculty of environment systems, and the graduate school. RGU is particularly renowned for its veterinary courses, considered among some of the best in Japan. The university presents a research-oriented culture, enabling students and faculty to contribute actively towards advancements in their respective fields. The student body of nearly 4,000 individuals benefit from the modernized campus, stocked libraries, on-campus housing facilities, and abundant opportunities for extra-curricular activities.
Discover where Rakuno Gakuen University ranks nationally and internationally, reflecting its academic and research excellence.
Contact Information
Find all essential contact details for admissions and support at Rakuno Gakuen University Website: http://www.rakuno.ac.jp/