Airlangga University is a state-run university located in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. It provides a variety of academic programs and is nationally revered for their rigorous standards and innovate contributions to education, research and public service.
Babol University of Medical Sciences (BUMS) is a leading education and research center located in Babol, Iran. The University is known for its commitment to academic excellence and contribution to healthcare systems. Established in 1982, it offers a variety of medical and health science programs. BUMS is a highly ranked institution known for its ground-breaking research and innovative teaching methodologies.
Dow University of Health Sciences is a distinguished institution in Karachi, Pakistan serving in medical education and healthcare. The institution is also a significant contributor to research in the medical field. DUHS aims to implement international standards of education as per the evolving trends in healthcare.
Hamadan University of Medical Sciences (UMSHA) is a reputable higher education institution in the field of medicine, situated in Hamadan, Iran. Since being founded in 1986, it has been committed to fostering a culture of academic excellence and research, providing multiple academic programs.
Universidade Federal de Sergipe is a public university located in Sergipe, Brazil. It was founded in 1968 and is known for its commitment to academic excellence. It offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across a range of disciplines.
The University of Colombo (UoC) is a public research university located in Colombo, Sri Lanka. It is the oldest institution of modern higher education in Sri Lanka, with a strong tradition of academic excellence.
Urmia University of Medical Sciences (UMSU), based in Urmia, Iran, is an educational hub serving a big medical community in and beyond the region. Since 1980, it has been dedicated to training competent and ethical healthcare professionals.
Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research (IPGMER) is a state-run institution of higher education and research in Kolkata, India. Known for offering postgraduate level studies in various disciplines of Medical Science, the Institute is also major patient treatment and care centre.
Haramaya University, formerly known as Alemaya University, was established in 1954. It is one of the oldest public universities in Ethiopia. It's situated in the town of Haramaya in the Harar region. The university is renowned for its strong faculties, particularly in agricultural science and medical education.
The Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium, established in 1906, is a leading global center for research, education, and services in tropical medicine and healthcare in developing countries.
BRAC University (BRACU) aims to instill in its students a commitment to working towards national development and progress. The university represents a departure from conventional teaching and incorporates teaching methods that enhance creativity and innovation.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) is the oldest and largest higher education institution in Mozambique. Located in Maputo, the university was established amid the struggle for independence in 1962. Its diverse curriculum spans from undergraduate to postgraduate studies across a wide range of disciplines.
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